Friday, September 26, 2008

down the rabbit hole

If you haven't figured it out, the Cherished Cat is my way of saying the Cheshire Cat. Since I feel like Alice, that's the name I'll use and I fell down a rabbit hole, so-to-speak, a little over a year ago. I'm trying to make my way out of Wonderland and I thought writing about it all would help.

I suppose, since this is the whole point of this exercise, I should just put it out there first thing. In June of 2007 I was raped while on a "mission" trip to Africa.

I had been a typical college student in the states before that. I was part of a community service organization on campus and I had scholarship that required me to spend two summers of my academic career serving others in a non-profit organization. I was also a devout Christian and around the time that I was to begin planning for this trip, One of the leaders of the African church came and preached to us.

He preached to us about serving others, about being like Jesus, about the blessing it is to serve God. He said that Africa needed people to come more than money to be sent. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I felt as if God was speaking directly to me and I knew without a doubt that this was what God wanted me to do. I feel very young and foolish about that now.

I spoke to the Leader after the ceremony and I spoke to my pastor about it. Everyone was excited. The Leader told me he already had a place in mind for me. " . . an orphanage, " he said. The Bishop told me later that I would be living in a house with teachers near the orphanage and that all I needed to do was come and work and he would take care of everything. That was it, everything I wanted. To be really helping people, not just paperwork or sending money or something. Really working.

My pastor and my church got behind me and they helped me raise all the money I would need for the trip. On May 8th, 2007, I left for Uganda, East Africa. I was so excited and scared and happy. I thought, "surely God is at work in all this."

When I arrived the African country, I experienced my share of culture shock. So many people, such a vast expanse of Jungle, such strange voices. I was the only white person I saw for a long time. It turned out that I was not going to be living with teachers in a house near the orphanage. It turned out that there was no actual orphanage, either. As a matter of fact, almost none of what the Leader had told me was true.

I was sent to live in a compound of three houses, squashed together like american townhouses are. It was 20km trip through jungle if I wanted to walk to the "orphanage". And about 10km to the nearest town with a market. I was told not to use public transport on the roads, that someone would come everyday to pick me up. "okay, I thought, this is workable." I mean, I was taught to make the best of things. And come on, I was in Africa! Wasn't this what I'd wanted?

The orphanage itself turned out to be a school. Primary grades 1 through 6. Most of the students were from families who paid tuition, although there were still about one third of them who were either orphaned, had parents with Aids, or were from war torn areas. They paid no tuition and lived year-round at the school (kind of like an orphanage). Still, I felt very mislead, and began to worry about what exactly they wanted me to do. School in Africa is very regimented, students do not ask questions, and there is a time and place to do everything.

I didn't know how to teach. I didn't know enough about any subject to teach it, much less teach it in a way that I didn't commit any cultural faux pas. I couldn't preach either, which was the only other thing they seemed to want me to do. At this point, I was really worried.

It turned out not to matter so much, though. Firstly, I was a white person and was treated with high indifference and not really expected to do anything except hand out money which I didn't have. Secondly, for the first three weeks I was there, they kept forgetting about me. I didn't get picked up like I was supposed to and I ended up spending a lot of days in or near the compound either by myself or with Isaac.

I suppose this brings me to the point of all that backstory. I was left alone a lot, the only white person for miles and the only other person that could speak decent English was my neighbor in the compound, Isaac.

Isaac was a tall, thin, dark African. His voice was a bit high for a man and kinda squeked when he talked sometimes. He had big, smushed lips; like the kind you saw in really old cartoons with black people in them. He was my friend. I had no one else.

When I was alone, he would offer to take me places. He had his own car and could go where ever. He showed me where the nearest market was, showed me how to shop by bargaining about prices. He took me to the capital city once because I was so homesick, once. He knew of a place where you could buy the African equivalent of a pizza. He even gave me a puppy at one point. I thought God had answered my prayers. I thought He had sent me this wonderful friend. But there were things that bothered me about Isaac, too.

Isaac would call me an angel. He would tell me that he had prayed for God to send him an angel to love. He never came right out and said that he thought God had sent me for him, but he implied it almost everyday. I can't say that I didn't entertain the thought myself. I even let him kiss me once. But I prayed and prayed and prayed about it and it never felt right. So I told Isaac that I didn't think God had sent me for him. Maybe it was some one else, but it definately wasn't me. I told him that God blessed our friendship, but nothing more. I told him . .. , but I'm not sure he listened.

We watched movies together, Isaac and me; American movies bootlegged from the states. He would make vulgar comments sometimes or during a love scene ask an inapropriate question about "what american girls really do." I wrote it off as a cultural difference. There was still so much I was very unsure of about Africa and I didn't want to believe anything bad about my only friend. I tell myself a thousand times that I should have known. I should have seen it, but I didn't.

I started to become a little afraid of Isaac. It was just little things; him grabbing my arm, him saying something mean or vulgar, him not wanting me to leave when we were together. But I thought this a Christian man. He runs a Christian school, has Christian friends from North america that he even lived with for awhile. He would not do anything to hurt me. God was in our lives and He would protect me, anyway. I was still afraid, though.

Then, one night, he came into my house in the compound. He started talking about angels and me and then about sex. He said he had waited too long for me and he needed me. I asked him to leave. I told him that God wouldn't want us to do that. That it wasn't in God's plans for us. I feel so stupid about that now. I had such faith in God and His plan.

Isaac didn't leave. I was scared then. I was so afraid I couldn't think, couldn't breath. He was stronger than I gave him credit for, being so skinny. His hands were like wires around me. He had pushed me down on my bed and was holding me there with his hands and the weight of his own body. At some point, I remember grabbing my bible off the night stand; it was a little green leatherbound thing, I had thought it was so powerful. I prayed and screamed for God that night. God never came, no one did. I held the bible to my chest and when he finally got up, when it finally stopped, I threw it at him. He just left, quietly, as if nothing had happened. Me, I locked the doors tight after he left and spent the rest of the night sobbing on the bathroom floor underneath the shower.

And I fell down that rabbit hole, and I'm still not out of wonderland. I can tell you it certainly isn't wonderful. Like the Alice of the story, I've found out that its a lot scarier then you could imagine. I've lost my way, I've lost my faith, I've lost so much. So now, I'm struggling to get it back.

My therapist said I should write about, since I do that so well. So this is me, writing about my life. My real name isn't Alice and originally I wanted to make this blog anonymous. But I've seen that sometimes the real thing has a better impact on the world and on people. Though I'm still struggling with feelings shame and betrayal, it seems more important to be honest with those that read this blog and those that need to read it.

Welcome to Wonderland

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